Wellness Partners
Click the portraits below to get connected with these beautiful ladies

Kat Janicka: Energy Healer
Kat has practiced hatha yoga for over fifteen years in the Sivananda lineage, and meditation in the Thai forest tradition as well as the Rinzai Zen tradition at Dai Bosatsu Zendo in upstate New York. She also led meditation at the Shantideva Center in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition in New York City. She is certified at the second level of Reiki energy work and at the master teacher level of Quantum Energy Healing. Her energy work also incorporates shamanic elements where appropriate.
Kat is a PhD student of TransformativeStudies at CIIS in San Francisco, The Consciousness Studies Focus.

Linda Middlesworth: Food for Life Nutrition and Cooking Instructor
Linda is a:
Food For Life Nutrition and Cooking Instructor
A part of the Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine, Dr. Neal Barnard
Organizer of the Sacramento Vegan Society. Certified in The Starch Solution, Dr. John McDougall
Certified in Plant Nutrition, Dr. T. Colin Campbell
Board Member: The Center for Nutritional Studies, Dr. T. Colin Campbell
Affiliate Member: American College of Lifestyle Medicine
Veganmentor Health Coach
She is also an Animal Rights Activist: Peta, Dxe, PCRM, Social Justice in Legislation, In Defense of Animals, Sacramento Animal Save, Sacramento Animal Rights Group, Humane Society, Sea Shepherd, Mercy for Animals

Aria Palmieri: Intuitive Healer, Certified Massage Therapist
Aria has been practicing bodywork since 2018. She graduated from Healing Hands School in Southern California with 1000 hours in Holistic Health and a massage therapy certificate. She has since been profoundly inspired by the vast container of dark and light that is the human body. She uses her intuition and clairsentience to travel into her clients' energetic field, holding space for any and all things that transpire. She facilitates an unforgettable and transformational healing sessions.
Website coming soon.
Contact her for healing work:
(916) 747-1924